The Heart of Sound
A Musical Journey with Vittorio Ghielmi
In 2012, BFMI ex­plored the vi­tal­ity of rur­al life and mu­sic­al tra­di­tions of the Sardini­an Is­land off the beaten tour­ist tracks. This visu­ally stun­ning area on the cent­ral east coast of Sardin­ia is home to the “Cun­cordu de Or­o­sei” en­semble. World-renowned Vi­ola da Gamba play­er Vit­torio Ghielmi and his en­semble “Il Suon­ar Par­lante” join the ex­traordin­ary poly­vocal group to ex­plore new ter­rain with an­cient sounds.
In the broad field of sac­red mu­sic in Sardin­ia, this en­semble un­doubtedly oc­cu­pies a prom­in­ent po­s­i­tion pro­tect­ing their rich pat­ri­mony. Yet, none of them reads mu­sic or has a mu­sic­al back­ground. The back-drop for the story in­to the mu­sic are the lives of the group mem­bers in the vil­lage of Or­o­sei and the Baronia re­gion. The film doc­u­ments the his­tor­ic en­counter of truly ex­traordin­ary artists tak­ing place in this in­spir­ing en­vir­on­ment.
The Colón Ring
Wagner in Buenos Aires
Richard Wag­n­er's "Ring of the Ni­be­lung" hadn't been seen in Buenos Aires for dec­ades. On the eve of the year mark­ing the com­poser's 200th birth­day, it re­turned to the Ar­gen­tine cap­it­al - in a dar­ing abridged ver­sion.

The op­era dir­ect­or Ar­gen­tine Valentina Car­rasco has worked with the award-win­ning Cata­loni­an theatre group "La Fura dels Baus" for the past ten years.
She trans­poses the "Colón Ring" in­to the 1970s - the peri­od of Ar­gen­tina's mil­it­ary dic­tat­or­ship. Sym­bols of that age are seen on the cos­tumes, while the char­ac­ters also make ref­er­ences to the peri­od in their be­ha­vi­or and ges­tures.

BFMI has filmed this the­at­ric­al event of the year: the en­tire Ring in one day, the most lux­uri­ous cast, a le­gendary op­era house with the best acous­tics for Wag­n­er ever heard, a dazzling pro­duc­tion and the most fab­ulous mu­sic.
The Solti Centenary Concert
100th Anniversary of Sir Georg Solti
The 100th an­niversary of the birth of Sir Georg Solti, one of the 20th cen­tury’s most im­port­ant and in­flu­en­tial con­duct­ors, was cel­eb­rated at a gala con­cert in Chica­go on 21 Oc­to­ber.

Valery Ger­giev, the mu­sic­al dir­ect­or of the World Or­ches­tra of Peace con­duc­ted the me­mori­al con­cert. Valery Ger­giev suc­ceeded Georg Solti as con­duct­or of the World Or­ches­tra for Peace when Solti's sud­den death in 1997.
The World Or­ches­tra for Peace was foun­ded in 1995 by Sir Georg Solti to re­af­firm, in his words, “the unique strength of mu­sic as an am­bas­sad­or for peace”. The mu­si­cians who make up the WOP are a se­lec­tion of the finest play­ers drawn from top in­ter­na­tion­al en­sembles.

Highly ac­claimed so­loists René Pa­pe, An­gela Ghe­orghiu as well as the Alumni of Solti Ac­ca­demia and Solti Found­a­tion were cel­eb­rat­ing Solti’s 100th An­niversary with mu­sic by Moz­art, Mahler, Verdi, Strauss, and Bartók. The host of the even­ing was Lady Valer­ie Solti.
64th EMMY AWARDS Nomination
Herbie Hancock, Gustavo Dudamel and the LA Phil Celebrate Gershwin
Herbie Han­cock, Gust­avo Du­damel And The LA Phil Cel­eb­rate Ger­sh­win got nom­in­ated in the cat­egory “OUT­STAND­ING SPE­CIAL CLASS PRO­GRAMS” – along­side heavy­weight Ameri­an TV clas­sics (see at

The Academy of Tele­vi­sion Arts & Sci­ences awar­ded the 2011-2012 Cre­at­ive Arts Prime­time Emmy Awards for pro­grams and in­di­vidu­al achieve­ments at the 64th Emmy Awards present­a­tion at the NOKIA Theatre L.A. LIVE in Los Angeles (Sat­urday, Septem­ber 15, 2012).
And the price went to the 65th An­nu­al Tony Awards (CBS) - Con­grats!

The Prime­time Emmy® Awards cel­eb­rate ex­cel­lence in na­tion­al prime­time pro­gram­ming, award­ing top hon­ors at the an­nu­al cre­at­ive arts and prime­time awards ce­re­mon­ies. Some spe­cial hon­ors, like the Gov­ernors Award, among oth­ers, are be­stowed either dur­ing the Prime­time Emmys or the Cre­at­ive Arts Emmys.
The Silk Road Ensemble with Yo-Yo Ma
Tanglewood Music Festival in Lenox, Massachusetts, June 19-25, 2012
Yo-Yo Ma and the ac­claimed Silk Road En­semble per­form works com­mis­sioned by the Silk Road Pro­ject along with tra­di­tion­al pieces from the Silk Road lands.

16 mu­si­cians from the U.S., In­dia, Korea, Is­rael, Spain, Ir­an, Switzer­land, Ja­pan, and China con­verged for a week at Tangle­wood, the Bo­ston Sym­phony Or­ches­tra's idyll­ic sum­mer re­treat in the Berkshires of west­ern Mas­sachu­setts. The oc­ca­sion: two con­certs to open Tangle­wood's 75th sea­son that were filmed for broad­cast and DVD re­lease.
The Silk Road En­semble is a col­lect­ive of mu­si­cians, com­posers and per­form­ing artists from more than 20 coun­tries around the world. In shar­ing tra­di­tions from vari­ous cul­tures, the En­semble de­vel­ops and per­forms new mu­sic and mul­ti­me­dia pieces, ex­plor­ing and ex­pand­ing con­tem­por­ary mu­sic­al cross­roads. The Silk Road En­semble has re­cor­ded five al­bums and per­formed to crit­ic­al ac­claim throughout Asia, Europe and North Amer­ica.

For more in­form­a­tion have a look at:­road­pro­
L.A. Phil LIVE from Caracas - Dudamel Conducts Mahler
Symphony of a Thousand
LA Phil LIVE with Gust­avo Du­damel from Ca­ra­cas, Venezuela is an im­mers­ive sight and sound ex­per­i­ence, fea­tur­ing a full con­cert per­form­ance with the LA Phil and Du­damel, hos­ted by award-win­ning act­or John Lithgow, broad­cast live from Ca­ra­cas, Venezuela. Gust­avo Du­damel leads the Los Angeles Phil­har­mon­ic and the Simón Bolivar Sym­phony Or­ches­tra of Venezuela, com­bined with mul­tiple choirs and so­loists in Mahler’s 8 Sym­phony No. 8, “Sym­phony of a Thou­sand”. This live per­form­ance put about 1,300 mu­si­cians on the stage in Ca­ra­cas.
LA Phil LIVE is fea­tur­ing full con­cert per­form­ances with the Los Angeles Phil­har­mon­ic led by its dy­nam­ic mu­sic dir­ect­or Gust­avo Du­damel, broad­cast live from Walt Dis­ney Con­cert Hall in Los Angeles.
The second sea­son of the LA Phil LIVE series con­sists of three in-theatre events. This con­cert took place on Sat FEB 18.

For more in­form­a­tion have a look at:

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