Founded by Bernhard Fleischer in 1998, BFMI is an independent production company for audio-visual programmes of the performing arts - whether these be documentaries, portraits of artists, adaptations of music and dance for the camera, or the genuine rendition of live performances. Hence, our core activities focus on the development of new film projects, the quest for partners to secure co-production agreements and, of course, the final audio-visual production. Located in Salzburg, one of Europe's leading cultural centres, the BFMI office is slim- structured, thus allowing the company to act swiftly and with flexibility in the market.
Indeed, acquiring modern forms and formats of visualisation quickly is imperative when it comes to producing more than just moving images, namely images that also bear the potential to move their audiences. Our key to success in the dissemination of high-quality music programmes through audio-visual media is to apply state-of-the-art means and to find adequate ways of transmitting various contents across to the viewer. Heading for innovation and, yes, hopefully, leaving the stereotyped cultural TV programmes behind, each project is customized either to the individual art form, the artist(s), or both.
Together, art and entertainment form a compelling union, one that we - at BFMI - thoroughly endorse. Music and dance are a deep source of enjoyment and spiritual enrichment, which we would like to share with as many people as possible. Therefore, the saying: "This can't be done with art" does not exist for us, because we strongly believe in making programmes that today's audience want to watch, listen and feel.