The Second Half of 2017
In Spring 2014 the Vi­enna Mu­sik­ver­ein turned in­to a mu­sic labor­at­ory, a re­cord­ing stu­dio and in­to a ven­ue for a very ex­cit­ing en­counter of two seem­ingly very dif­fer­ent artists.
Nikolaus Harnon­court, well-known as an in­tel­lec­tu­al mu­si­cian who came to at­ten­tion as a peri­od-prac­tice and Lang Lang, a su­per­star, a pi­an­ist of stun­ning vir­tu­os­ity and free­wheel­ing mu­sic­al in­stincts, to­geth­er with the Vi­enna Phil­har­mon­ic Or­ches­tra re­cord the Moz­art Pi­ano Con­cer­tos.
New York Walk with Daniil Trifonov
It is one of the most fas­cinating classical record­ings of the year 2017: Daniil Trifonov's interpretation of the Chopin piano concertos togeth­er with the Mahler Chamber Or­chestra under the guid­ance of Mikhail Pletnev. Trifonov and Pletnev are both Russians, pian­ists and composers.
This collab­oration is likely to be an artis­tic exploration at the high­est stage and consequently, the mu­sic doc­u­mentary „A New Chopin“ takes viewers on a the rare tour of the artis­tic process.
The First Half of 2017
While the whole world thinks that Europe ends at Perm, Greek conductor Teodor Currentzis starts a classical music revolution.

Jan Vogler presents a revealing reading of Schumann’s Cello Concerto in A minor, Op. 129 with his own orchestra, the Dresden Festival Orchestra.
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