Sarah’s Music
Contemporary Classical - Season 3
Television magazine show
Presenter: Sarah Willis
Editorial department: Simone Lauenstein / Martin Roddewig / Mikko Stübner / Reiner Schild
Length: 26 x 12 min.
© 2016, a BFMI Production for DW-TV
“Sarah’s Mu­sic - Con­tem­por­ary Clas­sic­al” is ded­ic­ated to the rich di­versity of clas­sic­al mu­sic. In each edi­tion of the weekly pro­gram, broad­cast in Eng­lish and Ger­man, presenter Sarah Wil­lis presents con­cert high­lights, goes be­hind the scenes at top events and gets up close and per­son­al with her star guests and their in­stru­ments.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 01: 30.01.2016
Pe­ter Sell­ars – Staging Classical Mu­sic

Sarah talks to the acclaimed opera and the­atre di­rector Pe­ter Sell­ars about staging classical mu­sic dur­ing his production of Debussy´s opera `Pel­leas and Melisande´ in the Berlin Philharmonie.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 02: 06.02.2016
The Simón Bolívar Sympho­ny Or­chestra of Venezuela

The Simón Bolívar Sympho­ny Or­chestra of Venezuela is on tour in Berlin. Sarah holds a live Horn Hang­out with the horn section, answers questions from all over the world and at­tends the concert in the Philharmonie.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 03: 20.02.2016
Ice Mu­sic Fes­tival in Norway

Sarah vis­its the world´s only Ice Mu­sic Fes­tival in Geilo, Norway, where all the mu­sic in­stru­ments are made out of ice and the concerts are held out­doors. We had to dress warmly for this one!

Sarah’s Mu­sic 04: 05.03.2016
Talking pianos with Daniil Trifonov

This episode fea­tures one of today´s great­est mu­sicians, the Russian star pian­ist Daniil Trifonov. Sarah meets him in Hamburg, finds out how he chooses a piano for important concerts and is thrilled to hear him live for the first time.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 05: 19.03.2016
Henrik Schwarz - Beats With­out Bor­ders

Sarah talks about beats and mu­sical bor­ders with Germany´s top electron­ic and club mu­sic compos­er - the DJ and produc­er, Henrik Schwarz. He combines his mu­sic and the classical world with the German Chamber Or­chestra.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 06: 02.04.2016
Around The World

From New York to Japan to Aus­tralia - wher­ev­er Sarah and her horn go, she makes an episode of Sarah´s Mu­sic about it. See some of Sarah´s favou­rite locations she has vis­ited dur­ing the making of the program so far..

Sarah’s Mu­sic 07: 18.04.2016
Schu­bert’s “Winter Jour­ney”

Renowned Lied­er duo Ian Bostridge and Julius Drake share with Sarah their in­sid­er's look at Franz Schu­bert's fa­mous song cycle "Winter´s Jour­ney" dur­ing a performance for the MaerzMusik Fes­tival in Berlin.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 08: 30.04.2016
The German National Youth Or­chestra

The German National Youth Or­chestra is on tour in Germany with ta­l­ented young mu­sicians aged 14 -19. Sarah Willis is de­lighted to spend time with them and rem­i­n­isce about how wonderful it is to play in a youth or­chestra. Join Sarah, the or­chestra and their mascot Konrad in Baden-Baden and in the Berlin Philharmonie.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 09: 14.05.2016
The Lufthansa Or­chestra

Fas­ten your seatbelts for a very special episode of Sarah's Mu­sic fea­tur­ing this unique or­chestra! The Lufthansa Or­chestra is made up of Lufthansa pi­lots, flight at­ten­dants, technicians, office staff and more who all love playing their in­stru­ments and meet sev­eral times a year for some very special concerts.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 10: 28.05.2016
Daniel Hope, Vio­lin­ist and much more...

Daniel Hope, star vio­lin­ist, au­thor, broadcast­er, mu­sical activist and fes­tival di­rector, talks to Sarah Willis dur­ing a fes­tival at the Konzerthaus Berlin cel­ebrating the life and work of his mentor, Yehudi Menuhin. In this episode we also expe­ri­ence live ki­net­ic paint­ing to mu­sic by William Walton, painted by Norman Perryman who was a long­standing friend of Yehudi Menuhin.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 11: 11.06.2016
The Band of the Coldstream Guards

A very British episode fea­tur­ing the Band of the Coldstream Guards, one of Britain's old­est and best known military bands. Sarah gets an exclusive, behind the scenes look into a day in the life of the band. Sarah is welcomed backstage to talk to the mu­sicians at Wellington Barracks in Lon­don so if you have ev­er wondered what it is like to play an in­stru­ment while march­ing and wearing the fa­mous bearskin hat, don't this episode!

Sarah’s Mu­sic 12: 24.06.2016
Bagels with Brooklyn Rid­er

Sarah Willis spends the day with bagels and Brooklyn Rid­er, one of New York´s finest and most experi­mental string quar­tets. In this episode they play a concert at National Sawdust as part of the New York Philharmon­ic Bi­enni­al.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 13: 08.07.2016

Sarah Willis spends the day in New York with the mul­ti-ta­l­ented mu­sician Damien Sneed, explor­ing and expe­ri­enc­ing first-hand the power of gospel mu­sic. At the Cathedral at Greater Faith in the Bronx, Sarah joins in a gospel sing­ing class, at­tends a ser­vice and even gets her horn out to try playing gospel her­self.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 14: 22.07.2016
384 Trombones in New York

384 trombone players gath­er in New York to try and break a flashmob world record dur­ing the 2016 International Trombone Fes­tival. Sarah Willis is in the mid­dle of it all, of course, and finds out more about this wonderful in­stru­ment from Joseph Alessi, principal trombone with the New York Philharmon­ic.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 15: 06.08.2016
The Mu­sic Academy of the West

Sarah spends a day at the beautiful and in­spiring Mu­sic Academy of the West in Santa Barbara, where ev­ery summer, the halls (and the beach!) are filled with mu­sic played by ta­l­ented young mu­sicians from all over the world. Sarah´s high­lights of the day are meeting one of her idols, the singer Marilyn Horne and, of course, the beach horns!

Sarah’s Mu­sic 16: 20.08.2016
Sarah’s Mu­sic Communicators

Revis­it five of Sarah's favou­rite mu­sic communicators from the se­ries. These people in the classical mu­sic world are pas­sion­ate about what they do and each one has unique ideas for communicating their love of mu­sic. Fea­tur­ing the 21C Me­dia Group in New York, Pe­ter Gelb, General Man­ag­er of the Metropoli­tan Opera, Cho­rus Mas­ter Si­mon Halsey, Di­rector Pe­ter Sell­ars and con­ductor Iván Fis­ch­er, we are so lucky to have such in­spiring people on Sarah's Mu­sic!

Sarah’s Mu­sic 17: 10.09.2016
Wynton Marsalis and his JLC Or­chestra

Take the A Train with Sarah as spends a day in the House of Swing in New York with jazz trum­peter Wynton Marsalis and his Jazz at Lincoln Center Or­chestra. Sarah is a huge fan of Wynton and his band and loved at­tending the re­hearsal, talking to the mu­sicians and enjoying the concert. Lots of foot tapping in this episode!

Sarah’s Mu­sic 18: 17.09.2016
The Lu­cinda Childs Dance Compa­ny

The innovative choreog­ra­pher Lu­cinda Childs and her dance compa­ny bring one of her most fa­mous works “Dance” to the Beethovenfest in Bonn. Sarah Willis meets Lu­cinda and her dancers to find out more.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 19: 30.09.2016
The John Wil­son Or­chestra

A taste of Hollywood in the Berlin Philharmonie! John Wil­son brings his or­chestra to Berlin for the first time to cel­ebrate the mu­sic of classic MGM mu­sicals as part of the Musikfest.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 20: 08.10.2016
Ta ta ta taaaaa – Beethoven’s 5th!

Sarah Willis takes a look at of the most icon­ic pieces of mu­sic in the world, Ludwig van Beethoven´s 5th Sympho­ny, with the help of con­ductor François-Xavi­er Roth and his or­chestra ´Les Siècles´ at the Beethovenfest in Bonn.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 21: 15.10.2016
The Echo Klassik Awards 2016

Horn player Sarah Willis goes backstage at Germany´s biggest classical mu­sic awards cer­emo­ny - the Echo Klassik Awards. Join her on the red car­pet for this glam­orous date in the classical mu­sic cal­endar!

Sarah’s Mu­sic 22: 04.11.2016
The Harp – In­stru­ment of the Year 2016

The In­stru­ment of the Year 2016 in Germany is the harp. Marie-Pierre Langlamet, principal harp of the Berlin Philharmon­ic, talks to Sarah about her in­stru­ment - with a lit­tle help from Minnie Mouse and Harpo Marx.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 23: 26.11.2016
Breakdanc­ing in Bonn

This wonderful combination of Ka­tia and Marielle Labèque, a rock gui­tarist, a drummer and 7 breakdancers electrify the au­di­ence with David Chalmin´s modern day ver­sion of Romeo and Juliet at the Beethovenfest in Bonn.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 24: 17.12.2016
Sarah’s Christmas Mu­sic

Sarah's Mu­sic viewers from around the world share their favou­rite Christmas Mu­sic with Sarah. Mu­sic from Japan, Ecuador, Eng­land and India - and of course Sarah shares her favou­rite Christmas mu­sic too!

Sarah’s Mu­sic 25: 31.12.2016
Sarah’s “Non-Classical” Mu­sic

Sarah revis­its some of her favou­rite “non-classical” mu­sic fea­tured on Sarah´s Mu­sic so far. In­stead of Beethoven, Mozart and Bach you will find jazz, gospel, house and mu­sicals performed by the world´s very best!

Sarah’s Mu­sic 26: 27.01.2017
The Sarah's Mu­sic Horn Chal­lenge!

From 5 year-old Clemi to opera star Placido Domingo and jazz leg­end Wynton Marsalis, all of Sarah's guests on the program have bravely accepted the Sarah's Mu­sic Horn Chal­lenge. Here are some of our absolute fa­vorites!



We have also produced the 1st Season with 6 episodes:
Sarah’s Mu­sic - Contemporary Classical - Season 1

and the 2nd Season with 26 episodes:
Sarah’s Mu­sic - Contemporary Classical - Season 2