Sarah’s Music
Contemporary Classical - Season 1
Television magazine show
Presenter: Sarah Willis
Editorial department: Martin Roddewig / Semira Schellhaaß
Length: 6 x 12 min.
© 2014, a BFMI production for DW-TV
“Sarah’s Mu­sic – Con­tem­por­ary Clas­sic­al” is DW’s monthly pro­gram ded­ic­ated to the rich di­versity of clas­sic­al mu­sic. Presenter Sarah Wil­lis gets up close and per­son­al with the stars of the clas­sic­al mu­sic world. In each edi­tion of the monthly broad­cast in Eng­lish and Ger­man, Sarah Wil­lis will present European con­cert high­lights, show­case top events, share some of her per­son­al clas­sic­al mu­sic high­lights and wel­come a star guest.

In the first run of six epis­odes, the Brit­ish host, who was born in the US, but grew up in Tokyo, Bo­ston and Mo­scow, gives audi­ences around the globe a peek be­hind the scenes of cur­rent pro­duc­tions. Sarah Wil­lis is con­sidered one of the best horn play­ers in the world, and be­came the Ber­liner Phil­har­monik­er's first fe­male brass play­er in 2001. "Clas­sic­al mu­sic is a but of a mys­tery for many, and I'm de­lighted to help un­lock these secrets with the Deutsche Welle view­ers," she said.

Sarah's Mu­sic 1: 27.06.2014
Car­mina Bur­ana at Ber­lin Kul­turfor­um Fest­iv­al

In this first epis­ode of 'Sarah's Mu­sic', Sarah Wil­lis is at the Kul­turfor­um Fest­iv­al in Ber­lin to take a look be­hind the scenes. She speaks to Sir Si­mon Rattle, Chief Con­duct­or of the Ber­liner Phil­har­monik­er, about his vis­ion for in­volving chil­dren from all walks of life in clas­sic­al mu­sic and fol­lows his re­hears­als with a young choir as they pre­pare to per­form Carl Orff's 'Car­mina Bur­ana'.

Sarah's Mu­sic 2: 25.07.2014
Ber­lin Waldbühne

In the second epis­ode, Sarah Wil­lis meets top Venezuelan con­duct­or Gust­avo Du­damel and they dis­cuss the ma­gic of open-air con­certs. And she takes part in a very spe­cial event: Once a year, the Ber­liner Phil­har­monik­er play in front of 20,000 spec­tat­ors at the Waldbühne, an open-air am­phi­theat­er in the Ger­man cap­it­al’s Olympic Sta­di­um com­plex.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 3: 22.08.2014
Salzburg Fest­iv­al

In our third epis­ode Sarah Wil­lis meets one of the world's most fam­ous op­era sing­ers, Span­ish ten­or Plácido Domin­go. Sarah, who is also a horn play­er with the Ber­liner Phil­har­monik­er, will be talk­ing to Plácido Domin­go about the world's ma­jor mu­sic fest­ivals and why per­formers are al­ways keen to per­form there.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 4: 19.09.2014
Beeth­oven, Bonn and Gummi Bears

In the fourth epis­ode, Sarah Wil­lis pays a vis­it to the an­nu­al Beeth­oven­fest in Bonn. She meets Latvi­an con­duct­or An­dris Nel­sons to dis­cuss the life and work of the great com­poser Lud­wig van Beeth­oven. This year’s fest­iv­al fea­tures a per­form­ance by the City of Birm­ing­ham Sym­phony Or­ches­tra of all nine of Beeth­oven’s sym­phon­ies.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 5: 03.10.2014
Strings & Stra­di­vari

The fifth epis­ode of Sarah’s Mu­sic fo­cuses on stringed in­stru­ments. Every mu­si­cian has a story to tell about their in­stru­ment. Sarah Wil­lis speaks to Ger­man cel­list Al­ban Ger­hardt and renowned vi­ol­in­makers Daniel Kogge and Yves Gat­eau about their ex­per­i­ences. The pro­gram also fea­tures mu­sic from the Borod­in Quar­tet from Rus­sia.

Sarah’s Mu­sic 6: 31.10.2014
The Echos

In Epis­ode 6, Sarah Wil­lis at­tends the Echo Klassik 2014 Awards in Mu­nich where she ex­per­i­ences some red car­pet glam­our and talks to Yan­nik Nézet-Séguin, Con­duct­or of the Year, Emanuel Ax and Fe­lix Klieser about what it takes to reach the top these days.


We have also produced the 2nd Season with 26 episodes:
Sarah’s Mu­sic - Contemporary Classical - Season 2

Currently we are producing 26 new episodes:
Sarah’s Mu­sic - Contemporary Classical - Season 3