Director: Brian Large
Distributor: C Major Entertainment
16:9 shot in 1080i HDTV | stereo & 5.1 surround sound
© 2008, 175 min., a BFMI production for Unitel & BR
The very first per­form­ance of Moz­art’s Ido­me­neo took place 1781 at the Mu­nich Court Theatre, which is called Cu­villiés-Theatre today (after its con­struct­or). With the re-open­ing of the ro­coco theatre after its re­fur­bish­ment, the op­era can be fi­nally en­joyed on the ori­gin­al stage.

Ido­me­neo is a piece that de­scribes a hor­rible con­flict: for his mari­time sal­v­ate, Ido­me­neo plights to sac­ri­f­ize the first man he sees after his res­cue. But this man is Idam­ante, his son. Will the fath­er really kill his own son for Po­s­eidon? Is there a way out of this dille­ma? Di­eter Dorn, a well-proven dir­ect­or of Moz­art op­er­as stages Moz­art's early but mu­sic­ally for­ward-look­ing op­era. On the rostrum: Kent Nagano, who con­ducts a su­perb cast:

John Mark Ains­ley, Ido­me­neo
Pa­vol Bres­lik, Idam­ante
Ju­li­ane Banse, Ilia
An­nette Dasch, Elettra
Rain­er Trost, Ar­bace
Guy de Mey, The High Priest
Steven Humes, Voice of Net­tuno
They are well ac­com­pan­ied by the Bay­erische Staat­sorchester and the Chor der Bay­erischen Staat­sop­er.