Director: Karina Fibich
Distributor: C Major Entertainment
Length: 175 min.
16:9 shot in 1080i HDTV | stereo & 5.1 surround sound
© 2007, a BFMI production for Unitel
Bloody power struggles in dark Rus­sia at the end of the 17th cen­tury. Wa­ter­shed for the so­ci­ety in a strife-torn popu­lace. In Mus­sorgsky’s mu­sic­al folk drama polit­ic­al and re­li­gious groups face one an­oth­er ir­re­con­cil­ably. Will the princely Khovansky clan tri­umph over the Streltsy and ush­er in the new era?

Gi­gant­ic chor­al scenes. Mu­sic on the threshold of mod­ern­ity. Op­era full-out! And on the po­di­um: Kent Nagano who con­ducts the Bav­ari­an State Or­ches­tra which ac­com- pan­ies awe­some op­era sing­ers as Paata Burchu­ladze, Dor­is Sof­fel, John Daszak, Anatoli Kotscherga, Klaus Flori­an Vo­gt and Valery Alexejev.
“A bril­liant en­semble of Rus­si­an voices comes to­geth­er. […] Out­stand­ing per­form­ances even in the un­der­parts.” - Neue Zürch­er Zei­tung

“A grand op­era, ef­fect­ively in­ter­preted by Kent Nagano.” - Deutsch­land­funk