Mozart 22
Lucio Silla
Distributor: C Major Entertainment / Unitel
Length: 148 min. 06 sec.
16:9 shot in Digital Video 25P / stereo & 5.1 surround sound
© 2006, a production of Unitel, and BFMI in co-production with Classica, in cooperation with the Salzburg Festival
Dramma per mu­sica in three acts K. 135 (1772)
Lib­retto: Gio­vanni de Gamerra

Fol­low­ing the suc­cess of his "Mitrid­ate," Moz­art re­ceived an­oth­er co­mis­sion to write an op­era for Mil­an, a dramma per mu­sica in three acts. He began work­ing on "Lu­cio Silla" in late 1772, while on his third trip to Italy. Al­though the re­hears­als were fraught with prob­lems caused by re­cal­cit­rant sing­ers, the work was nerver­the­less giv­en 26 per­form­ances to full houses. Yet des­pite this suc­cess, "Lu­cio Silla" was the last op­era Moz­art wrote for Italy.

"I see it as a kind of polit­ic­al thrill­er, the story of a plot against an in­hu­man re­gime [...] ‘Lu­cio Silla’ is, in my opin­ion, one of the few truly polit­ic­al pieces by Moz­art." Dir­ect­or Jürgen Flimm con­ceived his pro­duc­tion ac­cord­ingly, de­liv­er­ing a taut and of­ten breath­tak­ingly raw in­ter­pret­a­tion of the story of the dic­tat­or Lu­cio Silla. Al­though the ac­tion un­folds in an­cient Rome, Flimm has trans-posed it to Moz­art’s day, when ab­so­lut­ist­ic mon­archs still held sway over Europe.
Roberto Saccà, Lu­cio Silla
An­nick Massis, Gi­unia
Mon­ica Ba­celli, Cecilio
Veron­ica Can­gemi, Lu­cio Cinna
Ju­lia Kleit­er, Celia
Stefano Fer­rari, Aufi­dio

Tomáš Netopil, con­duct­or
Jürgen Flimm, stage dir­ect­or
Hannes Rossach­er, video dir­ect­or

Or­ches­tra and Chor­us of the Teatro La Fenice

Re­cord­ing dates: 23.07.| 27.07.| 30.07.2006
Ven­ue: Felsen­reit­schule