Ulrich Tukur
Mezzanotte – Night Songs
Director: Christian Kurt Weiß
Distributor: BFMI
Length: 90 min.
16:9 shot in HD | stereo
© 2010, a BFMI production in co-production with ZDF/3sat in cooperation with Deutsche Grammophon
Ul­rich Tukur is not only one of Ger­many’s best known act­ors, but also a strong sing­er with a tal­ent for in­ter­pret­ing songs. In MEZZAN­OTTE – SONGS OF THE NIGHT at Kampn­a­gel, Tukur presents his se­lec­tion of night time songs from dif­fer­ent eras and coun­tries for the very first time. In new ar­range­ments by Lutz Kra­jenski, both artists un­furl a mu­sic­al fantasy, which il­lu­min­ates the even­ing and brings fig­ures of the night to life: People search­ing for dis­trac­tion, hap­pi­ness and ob­li­vi­on. Wan­der­ers, se­du­cers, gam­blers and mad­men, the des­per­ate people and the hope­ful ones. With com­pos­i­tions in a vari­ety of lan­guages from Friederich Holländer through to Charles Trenet.

For some time, Ul­rich Tukur had already har­boured the idea of com­pil­ing a con­cert- and CD-length pro­gramme – after all, he isn’t known only as a prize-win­ning act­or, but also as a sing­er, as a mu­sic­al story-tell­er, and even as the hon­or­ary pres­id­ent of the choir at Montep­i­ano in Tuscany. Tukur charged in­to the ad­ven­ture with nearly 20 num­bers. The res­ult – re­leased in con­junc­tion with his new stage pro­gramme, a “kal­eido­scope of life’s noc­turn­al il­lu­sions” in words, ac­tion and song, in which Tukur shines in the mul­tiple role of flan­eur, se­du­cer and gam­bler, by turns crazy, des­per­ate and nos­tal­gic – is this re­mark­able col­lec­tion of his fa­vour­ite songs about the night.

Mit­ter­nacht, Mit­ter­nacht
J'ai peur de couche tout seul
Un­der­neath the Arches
Venezia, la luna e tu
Vec­chio Frack
Mit­ter­nacht, Mit­ter­nacht
J'ai peur de couche tout seul
Das Nacht­gespenst
Du und ich im Mondenschein
Un ba­cio a mezzan­otte
Die Großstadt träumt
Un­der­neath the Arches
Nas­se Lyrik
Aus­gerech­net heute Abend
Le Soleil et la lune
Die kleine Stadt will sch­lafen geh'n
Über den Dächern der großen Stadt
Nachts ging das Tele­fon
La Coco
Willy Wil­li­ams
Mono­ton­ous Night
Hörst Du das Meer?
Venezia, la luna e tu
Ul­rich Tukur, vo­cals, ac­cor­d­i­an, per­form­ance
Lutz Kra­jenski and His Or­ches­tra, ar­range­ment and pi­ano
Wolfgang Stock­mann, stage dir­ect­or
Götz Loep­el­mann, stage design