Khatia Buniatishvili in Kiev
Mussorgsky - Pictures at an Exhibition
Director: Bernhard Fleischer
Distributor: C Major Entertainment
Length: 45 min.
16:9 shot in HD-Cam
© 2015, a BFMI production in co-production with ZDF / Arte and Sony Classical
Khatia Buniatishvili's guest appear­ance in Fall 2015 at the International Center of Cul­ture and Arts in Kiev fea­tures the piano suite PIC­TURES AT AN EXHI­BI­TION, that was written by Mussorgsky in hon­our of his deceased friend, the ar­chi­tect Victor Hartmann.
Orig­inally composed by Modest Mussorgsky for solo piano, the suite comprises 10 pic­tures by Hartmann illus­trated in sep­a­rated move­ments and connected by the Prom­enade theme that depicts an imag­inary tour of an art col­lection. The final move­ment depicts an ar­chi­tectural design for Kiev, The Bogatyr Gates.
Buniatishvilis mu­sical prom­enade re­veals an extraor­dinary thrilling interpretation, accompa­nied by im­pres­sions of Kiev’s cultur­al life including vis­its at artists friends and the current mayor of Kiev, the for­mer heavyweight champion, Vitali Klitschko.