Kavakos Plays Beethoven Violin Sonstas
Director: Christian K. Weisz
Distributor: C Major Entertainment
Length: approx. 60 mins.
16:9 shot in 1080i HD | stereo
© 2012, a BFMI production for BR & Unitel
Le­oni­das Kavakos has es­tab­lished him­self as a vi­ol­in­ist and artist of rare qual­ity, known at the highest level for his vir­tu­os­ity, su­perb mu­si­cian­ship and the in­teg­rity of his play­ing. With his prob­ing and ana­lyt­ic­al ap­proach, coupled with a rare vir­tu­os­ity, Kavakos brings au­thor­ity and depth of ex­pres­sion to the great con­certi of the 19th and 20th cen­tur­ies that are the main­stay of his rep­er­toire. Just like Le­oni­das Kavakos, the ac­claimed Itali­an pi­an­ist En­rico Pace is a de­voted cham­ber mu­si­cian. To­geth­er, they per­form a mas­ter­ful com­plete set of the Beeth­oven Vi­ol­in Son­atas at 2012 Salzburg Fest­iv­al.
Son­ata for Pi­ano and Vi­ol­in No. 4 in A minor, Op. 23
Son­ata for Pi­ano and Vi­ol­in No. 5 in F, Op. 24 – "Spring" Son­ata
Son­ata for Pi­ano and Vi­ol­in No. 10 in G, Op. 96

Son­ata for Pi­ano and Vi­ol­in No. 2 in A, Op. 12/2
Son­ata for Pi­ano and Vi­ol­in No. 3 in E flat, Op. 12/3
Son­ata for Pi­ano and Vi­ol­in No. 6 in A, Op. 30/1
Son­ata for Pi­ano and Vi­ol­in No. 7 in C minor, Op. 30/2
Son­ata for Pi­ano and Vi­ol­in No. 1 in D, Op. 12/1
Son­ata for Pi­ano and Vi­ol­in No. 8 in G, Op. 30/3
Son­ata for Pi­ano and Vi­ol­in No. 9 in A, Op. 47 – "Kreutzer" Son­ata

Le­oni­das Kavakos, vi­ol­in
En­rico Pace, pi­ano